Game advertising is perceived by users better than non-interactive and static, – says Celtra.

Celtra, a company specializing in mobile advertising, conducted a study, according to the results of which it turned out that users spend more time watching interactive ads compared to regular ones, and are also more willing to click on the links presented in it.

On average, the user engagement rate was 16.2% for gaming advertising, while standard mobile advertising scored only 10.4%. 36.4% of users view video in game advertising, 11.7% in non-game advertising. The frequency of click-throughs varies dramatically. In game advertising, it is 28.8%, and in standard advertising – 3.9%.

“Game advertising is the kind of advertising that uses gameplay and/or gamification mechanisms as the basis of user experience,” says Matevz Klanjsek, head of Production at Celtra. – As a rule, such advertising looks like a mini-game presented directly in the ad. Usually it contains all the standard game elements: gameplay, score, results table, and often they allow you to share the result on social media.”



VENTUREBEAT.COMKlazhsek also noted: despite the fact that the principle of game advertising works on all devices, it is most logical to apply it in mobile games.

Interestingly, this is the type of advertising that the Finns from Rovio used in their new game Retry.

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Founded in 2014. It has offices in New York, Ljubljana, San Francisco, Los Angeles, London, Tokyo. The company is headquartered in Boston, USA.
